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作者(英文):Chih-Hui Wang
論文名稱(英文):Role of Episodic Events in Physical and Chemical Erosion in Montane Rivers, Taiwan: A Case Study From The Regions of Wan_li and Ma_an River
指導教授(英文):Ying-San Liou
口試委員(英文):Hann-Chyuan Chiang
Shyh-Jeng Chyi
Yo-Ho Chang
Jiun-Yee Yen
Jr-Chuan Huang
Ying-San Liou
關鍵詞(英文):physical erosionchemical weatheringsediment dischargetropical cycloneTaiwan
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結果顯示,颱風引起的降雨量僅佔年降雨量的20%,然而沉積物輸出量卻佔年輸出量的80%以上。颱風期間,萬里溪的PER 佔全年97.7%,馬太鞍溪的PER為87.8%;萬里溪的CWR 佔全年的22.3%,馬太鞍溪佔17.3%,並由結果推知颱風事件是PER 的主要營力且對CWR 亦有重要的影響。就CWR 而言,矽酸鹽風化速率隨著碳酸鹽岩量的增加而增加,兩者之間存在線性關係,輸出量高於世界平均水準,特別是碳酸鹽岩風化侵蝕速率超過全球風化速率的平均值25 倍以上。流量對TDS 的三種風化速率(CWRsil、CWRcarb 及CWRpyrite)具有效的控制,其中三分之二的量是在颱風季節輸出。非颱風期間的平日,CWRsil可能與侵蝕無關,並且對兩個流域呈現動力學限制(kinetic-limited)。CWRcarb和CWRpyrite 在崩塌較少的集水區存在供不應求的趨勢,而在崩塌較多的集水區則由供應限制(supply-limited)轉變為動力學限制的狀態。儘管物理侵蝕會實質地增加化學風化作用,但增加的大部分來自碳酸鹽岩風化和黃鐵礦氧化引起的。但是,CWRpyrite 的增加會抑制CO2 的消耗甚至釋放,特別是在颱風季節CWRpyritt 成為主要的風化來源。由於侵蝕而增強的化學風化作用不會增加大氣中的CO2 消耗,特別是在颱風季節甚至會增加CO2 的釋放。未來的工作,應該在其他山區進一步研究三種具有不同侵蝕速率的化學風化速率下的CO2 消耗能力,來檢驗因為侵蝕而增強的化學風化對全球降溫的假說。
Coupling between chemical weathering and physical erosion is highly of
interest in active mountain belts, but how chemical weathering responses to
landslide is less discussed. Streamwater TDS (total dissolved solids) and TSS (total
suspended solids) were collected in two adjacent catchments with different landslide
ratios in Eastern Taiwan. Besides, the high-frequency sampling is applied on
typhoon events to clarify the covariation of CWR and PER and determine the
contribution of typhoons to CWR and PER. To investigate how varied erosion and
flow-regimes regulate chemical weathering and the associated CO2 budget under
different conditions of landslide ratio.
Results showed that the typhoon-induced rainfall only account for 20% of the
annual rainfall, whereas the sediment discharge, contrastly, contributed over 80% of
the annual load. For PDR, the PER of Wan_li river in the typhoon accounts for
97.1% of the whole year, and that of Ma_an river is 87.8%. The CWR of Wan_li
river accounted for 22.3% of the whole year, and Ma_an river accounted for 17.3%,
indicating that events of the typhoon are the main source of PER and CWR. In CWR,
the rate of silicate rock erosion increases with the amount of carbonate, there is a
linear relationship between the two, the output is higher than the average of the
world, especially the rate of carbonate erosion which is over 25-fold than the global
average. Streamflow is a strong control on the three weathering rates derived from
TDS, of which up to one-third is exported during typhoons. On a daily scale, the
CWRsil is likely kinetic-limited in the two catchments. The CWRcarb and CWRpyrite
change from supply-limited to kinetic-limited with the increase of landslide ratio.
Although physical erosion exerts chemical weathering substantially, most of the
enhanced weathering results from carbonate weathering and pyrite oxidation. The
increased CWRpyrite unfortunately dampens CO2 consumption, and even elevates
CO2 release, particularly during typhoon seasons, CWRpyrite becomes a more
dominant feature of weathering. The capacity of CO2 consumption by the three
types of chemical weathering complicated with different erosion rates should be
further investigated in other mountainous regions for testing the hypothesis of
global cooling by enhanced chemical weathering from erosion.
中文摘要 IV
英文摘要 VI
目錄 VII
圖目錄 V
表目錄 VII
第一章緒論 1
1.1 前言 1
1.2 研究動機 1
1.3 研究目的 4
第二章研究區域 7
2.1 地形與地質概況 7
2.2 氣候與水文概況 8
2.3 極端降雨事件 11
第三章文獻回顧 15
3.1 輸砂量與侵蝕作用之關係 15
3.2 崩塌地影響因子 18
3.3 影響河水化學性質之自然因素 23
第四章研究方法 35
4.1 河川水質採樣與分析 36
4.2 河川水質主要離子分析方法 39
4.3 資料的分析與處理 45
第五章結果 51
5.1 總懸浮沉積物、總溶解固體及崩塌地觀測值 51
5.2 總懸浮沉積物與輸砂量之變化 54
5.3 河川化學性質 62
第六章討論 77
6.1 輸砂量之季節變化 77
6.2 河川溶解性物質來源與輸出量變化 85
6.3 物理侵蝕和化學風化的關係 92
6.4 化學風化與二氧化碳的作用 97
第七章結論 103
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